
目前顯示的是 9月, 2019的文章

#3 Podcast 1

This week, teacher asked us to listen the BBC's 6 Minute English podcast about "Transport of the future". Actually, I'm very interested about this topic, so  I think this episode is very easy that there don't have anything difficult for me to understand. In this podcast, I learned 5 new words at below: Automation (n.) 自動化 the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control Ex:  We're trying to increase automation in the home while keeping the house an enjoyable place to live. Prototype (n.) 原型 the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed Ex:   Pilots  have begun testing a  prot otyp e  of the new  aircraft . far-fetched (adj.)  難以置信的 very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe Ex:  The idea of  travelling  to other  solar  systems may sound  far-fetched  but scientists now see it as a  real  possibility. Maglev (n.)  磁懸浮 short  

#2 Are the speaking and listening tasks difficult for you? What are the challenges you often face when you listen and speak in English?

(This article is written in Chinese) 這次上課,進行了英文口說、聽力,以及寫作的測試。其中口說的部份,又分成三個單元。在測試進行的過程中,我非常明顯的可以感受到自己所表現出來的成果。 【Are the speaking and listening tasks difficult for you?】 我最不需要擔心的就是 " Read aloud" 了。把試題紙上的英文短文跟對話唸出來,這看起來就是人人都會的東西,但我覺得不只要把內容說出來,還要把當中的情感帶入。在唸的過程中,我發揮了這一點,重視文章內容所帶來的抑揚頓挫。 但接下來 " Express your thought" 跟 " Retell the story " ,我表現得相當差強人意。首先是針對某個議題,用英文發表自己的看法。其實我的口語表達能力並沒有很好,用自己的母語中文表達意見已經不容易,更何況是用英文。雖然題目所討論的這個議題很簡單,我也很盡力的進行表達,但說一說就結巴,生不出內容來了。接下來的重講故事也是如此,故事的內容很好理解,在故事影片播出時,我也努力的做筆記,但要把整個故事重講,雖然心裡認為容易,但用嘴巴說出來,我也是結結巴巴,難以流暢的表達。 聽力測驗,因為從國中的時候就開始進行了,對我來說沒什麼問題,頂多是聽到有點累吧。 總而言之,我覺得speaking tasks 有些 difficult 。 【 What are the challenges you often face when you listen and speak in English? 】 遇到不熟悉的字詞或俚語,不知道正確的唸法或意思,可能會唸錯或誤解。 這時候會趕快查翻譯。

#1 My new plan this year!

In this new year, I choose a lot of courses to study in school. Including the professional courses for International Business, I also choose the courses in Information Management, because I have interested in it. except learning new things at school, I hope I can also use the resources besides me to open my mind. For example, in English, I started reading English news when I using my phone or computer. I wish my English could be better than ever.