#7 TED Talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator


In this funny TED Talk, I've learned three new words:

Thesis (n.) 論文
a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher college or university degree

Perplex (v.) 使困惑
to confuse and worry someone slightly by being difficult to understand or solve

dormant (adj.) 休眠的
Something that is dormant is not active or growing but has the ability to be active at a later time.

Summarize of the talk

The speaker is an blogger, talking about procrastinate. He share a story when he is in college, which he is procrastinate at doing things. Then he use drawing to showed our brain has an "Instant Gratification Monkey", will interrupted the mind, let you doing unnecessary things, and reduce your efficient.



#3 Podcast 1

#8 Voice Blog

#5 Can I trust a smart speaker